Are you all wrapped up in the Gift of Life?

Life is a gift that we have all been given through the grace of our creator. Our egos expect it to come in a neatly wrapped package with a beautifully tied bow, but this is an unrealistic expectation. Life is not always neat and tidy, let’s face it, life rarely unfolds in exactly the way we thought it would. And still our creations come to life and our visions come to fruition. They just rarely show up in a way that we can understand, at least at that moment.

It’s important to realize that we cannot always see the whole picture when we’re living inside it; there are so many other forces at work around us that we are generally unaware of. We can usually see this clearly, only after the fact, as we look back and see the big picture and finally catch a glimpse of the divine plan. It might be messy, and at times the intricacies are lost on us, but we must have faith in the divine plan.


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We have all had the experience of something that we didn’t enjoy and fully resisted, only to find out later that it was the best thing for us.  So when we get stuck, we have to zoom out and see the picture from a wider angle and if it’s still unclear, then we have to remain faith-full that everything is happening just as it should, no matter how disjointed it may feel at the time.

This faith-full intention has the power to set us free and unlock even greater possibilities.  When we do this and get out of our own way, the co-creations are always better and more miraculous than the original plan we formulated in our head.  This is the expansive nature of our infinite potential when we simply trust and allow it to happen the possibilities are infinite.  

Go With The FLOW!