Flow as Life Flows

Being in flow is when you drop your inhibitions, but you don’t lose your head.

You stay grounded, remain calm, and allow your heart to lead no matter how scary it might feel. We can have flow in many states and yet, it’s the same no matter what state we are in. When in Flow we connect, we drop our guard and instead of fight or flight, we find another solution, maybe there is more than just two conditioned responses after all.

Life is a choice and we make the decisions so we can choose to have flow as our conditioned response. Sure there is guidance and happy accidents along the way that lead us to our path, but ultimately the decision is ours. When we’re on our true path, meaning fulfilling our life’s purpose we are able to find our flow state with ease. When we follow our bliss we enter a flow state, time melts away and we become hyper-focused.

When it comes to leadership flow, I tend to apply this to my vision. I have moments of complete clarity of vision. I imagine things as if they have already happened, I tap into that emotion and the picture becomes clearer and clearer. An energy springs forth from the well of creation almost as if it is commanding the universe to offer its support and guidance in the co-creation of this vision. Often the vision doesn’t materialize though and that’s ok because every once in a while it does.


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So I continue this flow of vision and I recognize something interesting. The key that unlocks the door to flow and turns a vision into reality is humility. When I am proud and over-confident the flow is disrupted. When I remain grounded in gratitude and remember that I am here to grow with grace, my apprehension dissipates and I no longer feel the need to take any credit for the experiences I am having. I simply enjoy the experience and realize I am blessed.

My life has not always been easy, generally speaking, I make it much harder than it needs to be and yet through this rugged and topsy-turvy journey, I have been humbled, I have been forgiven and lastly, I have been given a second … third …. and fourth chance at an amazing life. Almost like a cat with 9 lives I chalk this up to superstition and that is where I am careful not to give all my power away. Who am I not to have this life? Why not me?

I have always learned from my mistakes and yet I know I will make many more in life. The secret to success is in refusing to allow our mistakes to define us and instead make sure they re-define us. So it’s with this in mind that I contribute some perfectly imperfect Leadership Flow to the world. Stripping down and exposing myself, with raw vulnerability. So that I may continue to learn and grow and hopefully inspire others to accompany me on this journey of authentic self-discovery.

This is why we are here, and as long as I can, I am going to think big and dig deep while stretching further than is comfortable. Focusing Love On the World. F.LO.W.

What can you do to create more flow in your life?

How do you access your leadership flow?