It’s time to start approving of yourself.
You can thank yourself later!


Love has a ripple effect, especially when it is directed at yourself.

Whatever you believe about your self is exactly who you will become.  This works in both directions, believe you are special, capable and powerful and that is what you will become, and if you think there’s nothing special about you, that you aren’t able to do IT or you’re not strong enough, then you won’t be.  This simple idea, that we create our own reality, is not news to you and you’ve surely heard this before.  But do you really believe it?  We tend to believe in this concept when we create what we want, but when we create what we don’t want, it’s a lot harder pill to swallow.  GULP!

For many years I judged and criticized my self into taking action.  My credo was that the self-beatings would continue until my morale improved.  Unfortunately and to my surprise, there was some amount of outward success that came from this type of “self-motivating”, but in the end, I always felt hollow and empty and that created space for even more self-inflicted wounding.  This cycle continued until my life was unmanageable and being me, despite the illusion of success, felt like a prison.


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That’s when I was encouraged by my coach, Jenai Lane – ( to start a new daily habit.  I would wake up every morning and write out a “know and let go list” comprised of all of my negative, low energy thoughts and feelings.  Then I would burn the list and focus on releasing that energy and seeing it transmuted to love and light.  Next, I would write what I was grateful for in a gratitude journal and include at least 3 things I loved and appreciated about my self.  I did this every morning for over a year.
This gratitude list (with a twist) forced me to look for my inner strength and what I found was divine potential, grace and best of all Love, lots of it, in fact, the more I looked the more love I found.  These are gifts that my creator had bestowed upon me, and they had nothing to do with my identity, success or material possessions.  They were things that only I could take from myself and so I realized that I was the only thing standing in the way of true fulfillment.I was allowing the critical little voice in my head to steal my own divinity and sanity.  I was shocked to realize that I was actually working against my self unconsciously.  I was paddling upstream and with these simple tools I finally let go and entered the flow of infinite potential.  When I finally started giving my self the love I deserved, my true purpose revealed itself and everything else started falling into place to support me on my path.My life immediately started to expand and the result was that I was filled with love and a desire to spread a message of love in the world.  
So what would happen to your life if you stopped beating yourself up for what you said, what you did or what you didn’t say or do?  The past is over and yet we all try to re-live it’s pain, what if you finally got out from underneath the past and used it as a reference point to appreciate how far you’ve actually come.  It would empower you and propel you forward, instead of burying your self under the weight of life, you would finally be set free.  What if you stopped judging your self in each moment and started loving who you are?I encourage you to do just that and let’s be honest, no one escapes the little voice but if we help each other recognize and find our true voice, the subtle one that comes from our spirit, we can all bring more love into the world together. This experience will bring flow into every area of your life, just like it has for so many other seekers.   
I will leave you with this profound thought from  Louise Hay,  “You have been criticizing yourself for years and it isn’t working.  Try approving of yourself and see what happens” I love and appreciate you.  Thank you for reading this post and for sharing in the flow.If you are interested in learning how to use simple tools, like the ones mentioned above, to transform your life, please check out the book Spirit-Led Instead, by Jenai Lane.